Alex Preston
Practice Manager
Alex is a key member of our team and is likely to be your first point of contact with out clinic. She is warm and responsive and is happy to communicate via phone or email. She makes every effort to understand your needs and treats everyone as an individual. Her approach is very much in keeping with the broader philosophy of Matrix Neuropsychology, which focuses on understanding the individual and where they are at on their journey. Alex has a broad understanding of our assessment structures and procedures, so is very capable of answering any of your initial queries or concerns. Alex works very closely with Director, Dr Linda Gonzalez, to ensure that your needs are well matched to the treating clinician.
Alex has worked in the health sector for 5+ years and holds a Certificate III in Community Services. She also has personal experience with disabilities and how it affects families, all of which has allowed her to learn and adopt her compassionate attitude towards our clients and their support networks.